Help me to promote or create spaces to shelter, care and cure animals at risk, abuse or street

Help me to promote or create spaces to shelter, care and cure animals at risk, abuse or street

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Help me to promote or create spaces to shelter, care and cure animals at risk, abuse or street

Addressed to: President of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro Moros

Each person should reflect the love of Jehovah because we were made in his image. For him we are all valuable and the life of these living beings even more, since to a great extent they depend on us. What we do for animals today will make a difference.

I love everything alive and I would like to help, I do not have income of any kind, but he who gives what he has left is not a great thing, but he who gives everything brings more, even more if he does it from the heart.

With this petition I ask the Government to help promote and create spaces and shelters where they can care for, cure, and give to adoption abused and abandoned dogs. We need these shelters, as thinking and sentient beings we can not remain undaunted by the pain of animals.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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