Harshest Laws against animal abuse
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: Chamber of Deputies of the Nation and 1 more
Because I wish with all my heart that I end so much barbarism. More and more cruelty to animals is being seen. They are tortured, murdered, beaten, everything is disgusting and even though there is a law.
But the laws against animal abuse in Argentina are very weak and people know that if you mistreat or kill an animal you will not go to prison, you may just have to pay a fine, and you go home.
We must no longer tolerate this, it is time to change the Law so that these people go to jail and pay heavy fines, seems to be the only solution to end this.
I beg whoever it is that the weight of justice falls and the Sarmiento Law against Animal Abuse is modified to increase the penalties for these crimes.
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