Harder laws against animal abuse at home and on the street
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!
Addressed to: Government of México
Because it is not fair that they have their puppies on the roofs with the heat they do in summer, without water or food. They are abandoned, they are chained in the yards of their houses that beat them, do not feed them and are in very small spaces, nor clean them. Also those who have their dogs caring for houses and businesses and abandon them without food. Those who sexually abuse them. In the street they are beaten and brutally murdered.
The Laws are lax, they are unclear and the Police and the Attorney General often do not make them respect the Law. Many people who see cases of animal abuse do not know how or where to make the corresponding complaints, and others also know that to make the complaint, no one will investigate the case. We must generate a change of mentality in the people and in the authorities, the animals urgently need this.
The Rulers of Mexico must make stricter laws, we can no longer tolerate this abuse against animals.
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