Harden Laws and Effective Compliance for Animal Abuse

Harden Laws and Effective Compliance for Animal Abuse

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Harden Laws and Effective Compliance for Animal Abuse

Addressed to: Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Republic and 1 more

Because in a country where judges should enforce convictions, they are suspended. And the National Law Against Animal Abuse is not respected nor enforced by authorities who do not prosecute criminals.

We need to harden the penalties for mistreatment and abandonment, thus changing the reality of abandoned animals in Holland. We need politicians to commit because citizens have voted them as representatives.

We ask the National Congress to amend the National Law Against Animal Abuse to increase the penalties for mistreatment, murder and abandonment of animals. This can not continue like this, we must change for the better.

We need everyone's signatures, thank you.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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