Grant the permits to move the animals of the Metropolitan Zoo of Zulia, in Venezuela

Grant the permits to move the animals of the Metropolitan Zoo of Zulia, in Venezuela

people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Grant the permits to move the animals of the Metropolitan Zoo of Zulia, in Venezuela

Addressed to: National Institute of Parks

We ask the competent authorities of the National Institute of Parks to grant permits to take these animals to a sanctuary where they can be cared for. Please, think about what these poor felines are suffering, the crisis that exists due to lack of food in the metropolitan zoo of Zulia and the emergency decreed by their own authorities, so much so that they have had to sacrifice 10 of them to be able to feed other carnivorous animals or scavengers that by their nature their diet is based on meats.

SOS help please. @proanimalesvzl


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