Grant and pay the Guaranteed Citizenship Income to people who do not have resources
people signed. Let's get to 500!

Addressed to: Government of Catalunya
Because it is a right, signed by all political parties of the Parliament of Catalonia and that because of all this mess with independence, is not being carried out as is right, or due, since there are people who have been waiting to charge the supplement since September of 2017, as it is my case and as is the case of many, many people, thousands of families only have this income and do not grant it, not because they do not have the right, but because of the constant obstacles that they put and that do not let the Law develops and unfolds as it should.
The promoter of the ILP of the Guaranteed Citizenship Income, has gone to the Parliament to ask for explanations and even the Sindic de Greuges is for the fulfillment that was made right, before the eyes of all.
In the Parliament, the group of ERC and PDCAT, said that the people in charge of this secretariat were in jail and that the first and essential thing was the political prisoners and the Catalan Republic, that the right to which they have nothing to live, already They asked us for more time .... More time ?, Tell the landlord who comes to charge you every month, or your child's stomach, when you do not have to feed him.
We can not wait any longer, every time things are more expensive and people, we are falling into misery and poverty, with salaries of misery, that do not even fill the refrigerator, which is empty again.
We do not ask, anything that is not ours, to pay and not put so many obstacles, because they do not answer when they should, they ask you for a thousand and one paper, and they ask you again, more papers and then they send you a letter saying that you have no rights , because you do not conform to the model and the conditions that they themselves say. They change the rules of the game in the middle of the game.
A person who only charges € 431 per month, has a rent of € 280 per month, which he can not pay, because he has to decide between eating or paying, how can he not be within the conditions to receive the help?.
How should we be able to charge it according to their conditions?
Help me to end this injustice that we have endured for too long, since September 2017, almost a year without charging the supplement that would help me live with a little more dignity, although this is the only thing that can not remove.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.