Give visibility to the problem of the sick we need to work in Spain

Give visibility to the problem of the sick we need to work in Spain

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Give visibility to the problem of the sick we need to work in Spain

Addressed to: Government of Spain

I am a mother and I am 52 years old, I have been sick all my life with the fibromyalgia shit and barely work. I have gone to my Town Hall and to my social worker since I have been unemployed for many years and since it does not help anyone, I take the papers to sweep streets with a lot of requirements that they can not even imagine. It is devastating everything that happens to me and when I see foreigners with the brush for my people and doing jobs in which maybe they could help me, it bursts me, because I am Spanish and they have taken me out for the employment plan.

Today is my first day of sweeping, I am a preventionist in occupational hazards and administrative assistant, but there is no less hard work or more suitable for a sick woman who has no choice but to survive because of this hard work for my disease.

I believe that first we are the Spaniards who pay our taxes, but this does not work like that and I am tired of seeing how we are left aside and these people do not lack anything. I am separated with two children, for me this abuse. It is as if I had my children without eating and I give to the people who pass by my house. How would my children feel? Well, this example fills me with indignation.


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