Give their horses to sanctuaries and put them in jail
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!
Addressed to: Victoria City Hall and 3 more
These two companies, Tally Ho Carriage Tours and Victoria Carriage Tours, have been using horses as slaves for a long time, endangering the animals, the people on the carriages, themselves and the traffic surrounding them. My main concern though is for the horses who have no choice in this matter, are kept behind fences and then dragged out to the city day after day, rain or shine, to pull around tourists and other humans who seem to think it's a lovely idea to use animals as opposed to their own legs to get a tour of Victoria City.
There have been many occasions where the carriages have flipped over and on top of that the horses are generally unhappy and have to eat with large metal bits in their mouths.
Quickly ask yourself this: would you want to be that horse or to have anyone you loved or your child be that horse? I'm guessing not.
Long hours, whips and blinders, heavy carriages, repetitive tasks. Need I say more?
Please sign to help free the horses and imprison the owners of this companies.
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