Give me back my cat
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Addressed to: ANAA
ANAA took my cats and refuses to give them back to me. In July of this year I contacted the animal association ANAA to ask them for help with my cats. They take 3 adults to castrate and those cats do not return home because the person with whom I keep contact for the interventions, gives me some inaccurate explanations and she understands that those cats are to be given for adoption while I understand that they are going to go home, I decide to stay with one and return me to two but they only bring me one. They stay with 3 adults that I wanted and no matter how hard I try, there is no way to get them back.
I have spoken many times with several people about the special bond I have with these cats and that I do not want to give them in any way. I have to say that I signed a contract with ANAA in which it is clearly stated that the adoptions will be by mutual agreement, that is, that I would give ANAA the cats that I would like to give them on a voluntary basis and this has not been respected.
Those of us who have cats know that they are territorial animals and that taking them out of their environment causes them a lot of stress and fear, which means that they are subjected to a situation of panic that is not good, put in a cage attended by unknown people they will not be Well, but there's no way they can understand that those cats who have been with me all their lives are not doing well in those conditions.
I refuse to do what they want and to take my cats away no matter how good their motives are; they have taken a cat that is very special to me and to whom I saved my life when I was only a month old ... I can not imagine that they would give it to another family when he is happy in this house with me.
From ANAA I have always been told that it was evident that my cats were well treated, that they were sociable and affectionate and that implies that they have never been treated badly, nor have behavioral problems, nor are they aggressive or neglected so they do not. I can understand why they take them from me, all I want is for my cat to be returned to me, it is mine and I want it with me. This situation is affecting my health, I sleep badly, I am sad and nervous and I have trouble concentrating, I am also diabetic and the stress of not having these cats at home affects my glucose levels and can cause severe hypoglycaemia that puts my life in danger, diabetics have important glycemic changes caused by stress.
I ask you please to help me to make pressure with your signatures so that they know that they can not do this, that they have undoubtedly done a lot and that I will always appreciate their help but that they can not take my cats away, because yes.
Thank you very much to all!
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