Release Glucantime for humans to save our dogs
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: Sanofi Laboratories
There are many dogs with Leishmaniasis. The treatment is the same as for humans, GLUCANTIME. While 10 ampoules of human Glucantime costs about 10 euros, 5 ampules of the same but veterinarian costs 20 euros.
I have a dog of only one year with Leishmaniasis. Gulf weighs 30kg so his treatment is two punctures daily for a month. I can not pay 20 euros every 2 days and a half to make 30 days to work. With GLUCANTIME humans could do it, but I find that the laboratory has it as a retired. I do not want my dog to die for economic interests, neither mine nor anyone else's, please free GLUCANTIME and save lives, is not that the end for which GLUCANTIME was created? Do not make money with the health of our pets, it is as if they did with our children's.
Please release the medication. Thank you.
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