Free castration for abandoned animals on the streets of the city

Free castration for abandoned animals on the streets of the city

people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Free castration for abandoned animals on the streets of the city

Addressed to: Municipality of the City of Francisco Morato

Because castration will prevent the procreation of animals in the streets, and decreasing procreation can reduce many other risks. The abandoned animal can become aggressive, be attacked, in addition, to feed it breaks the trash bags in the city. The uncollected garbage brings innumerable diseases and attracts other synanthropic animals like rats, cockroaches and even scorpions, which pose a risk to public health.

It would be a way to help stray animals that are in those conditions because of the society itself. The ideal would be to remove them from the streets to send them to a shelter to have a dignified life, where they are castrated to avoid overpopulation, and that can be given for adoption.


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