For More Just and Less Severe Ratings on Incapacity and Disability
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Addressed to: Social Security
For a few years until today valuations of health inspectors and related sectors do not correspond to the reality of the suffering. If you have a disability they take away rights and if you spend valuation for a disability most do not accept or reject it unfairly and tell you that you are in perfect shape to work when it is not like that, and even when medical reports confirm this.
I had a work accident in 2008, my activity is commercial and since then I have severe chronic pain, leg numbness, chronic depression with suicide attempts, dizziness-vertigo, etc. where I took 20 pills for my daily medication (anxiolytics, antidepressants, insomnia) and daily and chronic morphine with major effects because I have drug intolerance and all is diagnosed.
My job is commercial where I have to drive, walk and sell and as I take medication cannot do any of this and I have 52 years and the Law prohibits it, but according to the Health Inspector I am perfect to work; behind me came a bricklayer with an orthopedic foot and the Inspector told him that he was perfect to work and throw him out of the office.
I consider unfair the scale they are using to determine disabilities and handicaps in many people and we need to change that.
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