Fix the Cemetery of La Plata, it is in a pitiful state!
people signed. Let's get to 500!

Addressed to: Mayor of La Plata Julio Garro
Because the state in which the Cemetery of La Plata is, is gloomy and pathetic. I got tired of sending photos to the Municipality and never received any response. I can never talk to Mayor Garro, but with an intermediary who does not tell you anything about my complaints. Another petition was going to be taken care of the zoo of the city in which the animals are dying by abandonment.
The only thing he did was the Children’s City, nothing more. Let’s see if our complaints are answered here, because up until now they have not done much.
I ask for a worthy Cemetery, since one has to go and is unpleasant. I know most do not, but I have to go. Out of respect for the dead and the living who visit them, I ask this.
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