Finish with the ox festival in Brazil
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Addressed to: Government of Brazil
Are you seeing that image full of pain that is reflected in the eyes of a poor animal that can not stand so many excoriations and fatigue? This animal is bestialized, tortured and killed in the so-called "farra del buey" in Santa Catarina. The ox festival (farra del buey) is a religious brutality that occurs throughout the year, but especially during Lent, intensifying during Holy Week. The bandits chase animals through the cities of the State of Santa Catarina, in the name of "bad as Judas."
The farra del buey is a FEDERAL CRIME law 9.605 / 98, but it continues to happen freely and with impunity in the open, even with the Animal Defense Councils of the OAB seeking to intervene. How not to believe that there is the rotten finger of politicians in all this?
The "participants" are dressed in T-shirts with their printed outfits and are crowded by the bars, in the main points of Governor Celso Ramos, Bombinhas, Rio Vermelho, Tijucas, announcing loud and good sound that they will play. Everybody knows! The population, the merchants, the Internet people, the PM itself.
We need to monitor and report the inbox of the page Brazil against Farra do Boi. If you complain, we have tools to pressure the authorities. The monitoring must be constant and the farra can no longer be covered.
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