Fine the animal abuse and we need a telephone number where we can call so that the authorities can act immediately

Fine the animal abuse and we need a telephone number where we can call so that the authorities can act immediately

people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Fine the animal abuse and we need a telephone number where we can call so that the authorities can act immediately

Addressed to: Mayor of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Karla Rubilar

It is important because they make people wait a long time for the criminals and sadists to pay what they do to the animals. In this way they would be afraid of the consequences and we would avoid so much abuse.

Inquire, investigate until you find the guilty and publicly disclose the faces of the abusers. We need an emergency number for cases of animal abuse, just as we have for cases of crimes against people.

If we do not ask for the animals, for their safety, if we do not fight for their rights, we are accomplices of the sick people who hurt and kill them.


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Reasons for signing

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