Find the killer of a puppy, who stabbed him, then threw him out of a 25th floor
people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Addressed to: PDI- Investigation Police of Chile and 1 more
Because what made this man an innocent being like a dog, is too cruel, first stabbed him, then threw him from the 25th floor, it is not known if he was still alive when he did. He must pay, this act cannot go unpunished. Here in Chile an animal is considered a movable good, not a living and sentient being, but this should not continue like this.
Thousands of animals are condemned to suffering, abandonment, indifference and mistreatment in the streets because of human selfishness and irresponsibility of the same. Sadly many of them fall into the wrong hands, spreading and publicizing this type of repudiate act can generate awareness in people and therefore save more lives.
This wretch must be hidden, he is sought. If you know or have information it is appreciated to deliver it to the Investigation Police of Chile.
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