Find a solution for these baby tigers and demand that they be taken to an appropriate sanctuary
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Addressed to: Ministry of Agriculture of Tunisia and 1 more
A call for help to the Ministry of Agriculture.
A call for help to the Humane Society.
A distress call to the regional authorities of Medenine.
About a month ago, four rare white tigers were found in Ras Jedir and handed over to Ben Qardan's Department of Agriculture.
The state of health of the four tigers is very critical, one is on the verge of death due to the absence of a veterinarian and the state of their inappropriate detention.
What is reasonable is that an animal that suffers in a truly horrible way, and that it must be feared that its suffering will increase, urgently needs to be relocated to a sanctuary where they can provide adequate veterinary care so they can survive.
It is urgent that the Ministry do something with these animals before they die in captivity.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.