Fight somehow and all try to contribute to these wild acts do not occur

Fight somehow and all try to contribute to these wild acts do not occur

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Fight somehow and all try to contribute to these wild acts do not occur

Addressed to: Government of Cuba

Because there are good people in this world and if we all cooperate we would help to avoid these atrocities. Just thinking about the pain that these animals suffer I think would be enough to join forces and fight so much injustice.

A few days ago a person set fire to a puppy and burned it alive, before the sight of a group of people who laughed and enjoyed this atrocity, but none of them was able to stop such an act of savagery. How is it possible that such acts are committed?

Please, let us all unite, let us be aware, it is time to create Laws that defend the animals in my country, and as far as we can and see acts like these come to pass. Let's do everything we can to save their lives, please.


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Reasons for signing

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