Fair Working Hours
people signed. Let's get to 500!

Addressed to: Conciliation and Arbitration Board
Most of the companies are hiring personnel with working hours from 10 to more hours and by Law should only be 8 hours with lunch hour and on Saturdays we get out earlier, but do not have time for food. In Mexico practically no one respect the Federal Labor Law, which is why the authorities must investigate companies, including foreign ones.
Article 158 of the Labor Code says that the workday will be agreed between the parties, and the absence of agreement shall apply the maximum legal working hours.
Then, says Article 161 of the Labor Code, the maximum work hours is 8 hours a day (with some exceptions).
What the Law has regulated it is the maximum working day but not the minimum, therefore, the minimum is not limited, so you can work zero hours, and still have the right to get paid for that day.
Help us to make the companies respected our working time.
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