Exemplary Punishment for Animal Abusers, Stop Animal Abuse
people signed. Let's get to 50,000!
Addressed to: Government of Chile
We don't want no more animal abuse. Animals are ours and the people who have an animal, and do not want it, give it away, but do not abuse them, don't hit them, or hang them, etc.
The Government of Chile with only a few steps can lead to historic lows of animal abuse, maybe to ZERO. That's what we need all who want a better life for animals, that the Government is committed to improve existing Laws and implement new Laws to combat animal abuse.
Free sterilizations for pets and stray animals, raise the punishment for animal abuse to fulfill a prison term, Public Veterinary Hospitals and heavy taxes on the sale of breed pets.
We care for all animals. Please, I need you all to help me achieve this, in my country animal abuse is common and we all have to fight for that no longer exists.
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