Ethical control of wild boars
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: Generalitat de Catalunya
The wild boar, for many years, has been a victim of human persecution. They take him hunting because he is credited with destroying fields and plantations. In addition, they point to him as the sole culprit for the traffic accidents in which they are involved. This is what they sell us but the reality is very different. According to Minuarta himself, hunting does not resolve (if it did, there would not be, according to them, an excess of population) the overpopulation of wild boar, not even when pressure has been applied. It is fully proven that the fences with double electronic gates are totally effective in preventing the passage of wild boars, so that the complaints of destruction referred to the fields and plantations happen because they are not properly fenced. On the other hand, the vast majority of traffic accidents could be avoided if the speed limit were reduced in passing areas or if drivers simply went at the established speed. The incorporation of light signals or other types of signals in conflictive areas could be a great prevention measure (studies show that during the hunting season, accidents involving wild boars increase)
We must not ignore the serious danger posed by hunting. Accidents caused by the hunters themselves towards third parties where both people and non-human members have died.
There are also the other protagonists, the hunting dogs, used for the most part as one more tool without taking into account their safety, their way of life, their care. Unfortunately, there is still mistreatment of these animals. Until coherence does not knock on the doors of the law and it is ruled with the brush of logic that all dogs are equal, we will not be in front of a rule of law.
The wild boar is a necessary animal in its ecosystem, apart from being one of the only good forest cleaners (currently they are no longer cleaning the forests and in some areas they only destroy some species of trees, leaving the undergrowth like a powder keg), It helps in the expansion of some plant species and in the soil oxygenation process. It is an intelligent animal that does not look for problems with humans, but the dryness and lack of food make it move towards dangerous areas for them, such as urban areas. I wonder what we humans would do in such a situation, I guess it's easy to guess.
It is for all these reasons that we ask for an ethical management of the wild boar population in both urban and rural areas. That pilot tests be carried out in rural areas with the Gonacon vaccine. That the fences of the crops be managed correctly, through subsidies. Signaling of the areas of passage of the wild boars to avoid accidents.
That feeding and drinking areas be established at strategic points that will serve to better maintain control of the population, both in times of food scarcity, to prevent animals from moving to urban areas, and in more normal times to maintain a routine that will serve as viewing and capture points (sterilization, disease control).
CER (capture, sterilization, relocation) management in cats is the only effective means of population control. Control through the Gonacon vaccine in wild boars has been shown to be effective not only in adults, but in younger animals its effectiveness may become definitive.
No one comments that the exponential growth of wild boar is due to hybridization with common pigs caused by the hunters themselves for a few decades.
After several recent accidents where both humans and animals were affected, it was found necessary to notify the hunters of the hunting area and day in advance to have logistical control of the situation and thus be able to notify the population and avoid accidents. Faced with these measures, the hunters carried out a raid whose results have allowed not only that in private preserves (open mountain areas) they should not notify of this activity, but also adds the aggravating circumstance that if they consider that a passer-by or family that walks that area is hindering their hunting they will be able to fine them.
It is a nonsense that we cannot ignore, since hunting is mostly done on Saturday and Sunday, days when families take the opportunity to enjoy the mountains.
For all of the above, we ask that all the premises be taken into account so that ethical management is the only way to control the wild boar population.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.