Eternal prisoner of impunity?
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Addressed to: Public Ministry
Even after several years of suffering countless crimes documented in countless audios, recordings, screenshots, photos, videos and reports, I never obtained the slightest justice or compensation for the countless material and moral damages to my physical and mental integrity. Even before trying and collaborating in the resolution of the crimes of others, such crimes insist and persist, leading me to the absurdity of not only being a victim of subsequent impunity, but even of threats and insinuations of suspicion against me.
Even having a report of autism and being brown with several postgraduate degrees and recognized publications, I am suffering a series of psychological traumas. I can no longer find work, social life, or sell anything of mine to support myself, before they systematically take away my basic rights, they just extorted me.
Fearing that the assassination attempt that these liars are going to carry out will be repeated, I make this petition asking for a position from the Public Ministry in the face of the total inertia and negligence of those who, being paid with public money (like mine), must watch over our rights, we are not forced to serve a moralistic caciquism. Only the variables of homicide, kidnapping and rape were not consummated with me, although these have evidence of intent and try to give me every reason to suspect negligence as a cover for the corruption established in Brazilian society, for the culture of rape (so denounced by me) the obstinate repetition of all kinds of corruption, with me and with others, from the individual to the Brazilian people. With me such crimes seem to come from political persecution.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.