Enforce the rights of community animals (inserted in State Law 21.970)

Enforce the rights of community animals (inserted in State Law 21.970)

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Enforce the rights of community animals (inserted in State Law 21.970)

Addressed to: Governor Fernando Pimentel and 4 more

When the first Specialized Investigation of Crimes Against the Fauna of Minas Gerais was created in 2013, many thought it would be an improvement, but it was not. When in 2016, Governor Fernando Pimentel, promulgated State Law 21,970, many thought again that it would be an advance, but again, it was not.

Whoever helps animals or tries, knows that the more serious the situation of the animal, in case of abandonment, negligence or risk of life, the greater the helplessness of the Law. I feel this on the skin, because it takes care Communally, offering food and fresh water daily for about eleven cats living in my street (location: Rua Brasil Tri Champion, Barrio Dom Cabral - Near the end of bus 9414 - Belo Horizonte / MG). They all belonged to a neighbor who passed away, but who, while living, did not fulfill any of his responsibilities as a tutor.

The animals are in the street, being victims of the evil and lack of understanding of the neighborhood, that wants them far away and besides not helping, they still want to prevent me from feeding them. No action has been taken to protect them. In telephone contact with the Commissariat of Investigation of Crimes against the Fauna, I suggested that to place a plaque with the number of the respective Law in the place where I feed them, as a way to try to raise awareness to the population and even this I was denied! Unlike what happens in other cities, where notifications are sent to residents of the neighborhood to be aware of the laws that protect animals, crimes that have shaped maltreatment and punishments, to have science and if , Continue to practice, In the Public Prosecutor's Office and opening a lawsuit here nothing was done by the police and I still had to hear that the Law in relation to animals is weak and that there would only be investigation in case of death / poisoning, I'm just looking for help to keep it from happening!

Mr. Governor Fernando Pimentel, Law 21,970, was promulgated, but everything contained therein needs to be fulfilled, as in the case of community dogs and cats, which, should be collected in terms of art. 5, sterilized, identified and returned to the community of origin by the competent body. When will a competent body come here to find the cats to castrate them? Today there are eleven, if they are not sterilized, tomorrow this number will multiply, as well as the abandonment and the risks that run.

One of the females got pregnant and I got her adopted and did not give birth in the street, but unfortunately there are many cats and they need the attention of the Town Hall. The Zoonosis Control Centers of the city, only perform the sterilization surgery, do not allow the animal to remain there until recovering by then, be returned to the community where they live. This becomes unfeasible when the number of animals is greater and there is no support from a competent body, either with transportation, medicine or lodging. It is not fair to place on the back of protectors, sympathizers to the animal cause and NGOs, responsibilities that are the municipality and the State.

I hope that the Law leaves the paper and begins to be realized by the protection and the welfare of the animals!


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

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