Enforce the rights of animals and have sanctions in this regard
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Addressed to: Magdalena Governorate
Horses and mules that are used as work machines in these regions, without anyone doing anything and before the indifferent look of the people. These poor animals endure long hours of work under the sun, without water or food, many fainting from fatigue. How sad it is to see that nobody does anything before the suffering of these beings.
We see them die in the streets, literally, wounded, bleeding, tired as they can not, carrying their own weight several times, while being beaten with sticks or whips. Neither the authorities nor the population do anything, they invisibilize them, they hide them, they look the other way, while these poor animals suffer every day of their lives.
Let us end this abuse, let us enforce their rights and punish those responsible for this abuse.
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