Enforce Animal Welfare Laws!

Enforce Animal Welfare Laws!

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Enforce Animal Welfare Laws!

Addressed to: National Police of Peru and 1 more

Because they are a fundamental part of this world as we are, and have the same rights to live as God commands, in peace and love and we should not kill them because they also have a soul and a spirit given by God to show us true love without borders. We should imitate them in that compassion that emanates from the bottom of their hearts.

In our country we fight every day to end the mistreatment, torture, abandonment and murder of animals. We have an Act, but it is not known, or it is not knowingly fulfilled, or the authorities do not enforce it. This is what we must change, we have to pressure the authorities, whether police or judicial, to enforce the laws that protect our animals.

May God bless the lives of all animals in general.


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Reasons for signing

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