End the killing of dogs in China
people signed. Let's get to 100,000!
Addressed to: Government of China
On June 21 of each year, coinciding with the start of the summer solstice it takes place the Festival of Yulin in China. This celebration, which commemorates the beginning of summer, becomes opaque as it more than 10,000 dogs are consumed. They argue that the consumption of these animals in summer is an ancient custom, but in reality, this behavior make it to attract tourists and make money by selling the meat.
Although this 'party' is a tradition that has been carrying out since 2010, it was last 2015 when images of this festival began to transcend and all countries in the world screamed to the sky. With the hashtag #StopYulin attempt was made to delay the start of the Festival, but could not do anything. For this reason, and since we still have more than two month until the beginning, various organizations and citizens around the world are doing force through social networks banned this Festival.
During this festival, more than 10,000 animals are cruelly killed for their meat and even some of these dogs are stolen from local homes for that purpose.
The killing of dogs is quite common in China, where every year between 10 and 20 million of these animals are slaughtered in a bloody manner and with unhygienic measures for later consumption. Although most countries in the world have already banned the slaughter and consumption of dogs and cats in the eastern country still they have not been given the hint.
In addition to the end that awaits them, dogs are transported to slaughterhouses in small cages without access to food or water and are killed in front of other animals, prior abuse with sticks and iron sticks "because the meat tastes better when is loaded with adrenaline."
We have to stop this massacre as soon as possible to this illegal activity. Sign to stop the Yulin Festival this June.
Sign and diffuse through the networks! # StopYulin2016
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