End the cruelty in the slaughterhouses of the Mexican Republic. Death without suffering
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Addressed to: President Enrique Peña Nieto and 1 more
Because these animals are giving their lives for humans and it is not fair that they have to suffer so much. I ask for mercy for all of them, enough of that cruelty in the slaughterhouses of Mexico. There must be another way to end the life of these animals. It is not possible for them to be clubbed, stabbed, electrocuted. No to cruelty.
We must fight for a law that regulates slaughterhouses so as not to cause animals agitation, pain or avoidable suffering. All sacrifices must be made with animals properly restrained to avoid, as much as possible, pain, suffering, agitation, injury or unnecessary bruising.
This request had already been made by an actor Eugenio Derbez but nothing has happened, that is why we must continue fighting. NO MORE ANIMAL ABUSE.
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