End of the exploitation of the Coffee and Cane Producers - END OF SLAVERY IN BRAZIL
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!
Addressed to: Ministry of Justice and Human Rights and 2 more
We need to talk about slavery. We are in 2017 and there are people who are forced to work in exchange for bread and water, in inhuman and degrading situations. And it's not far, no! It's here in Brazil. In a hacienda in Pará, in a cocoa plantation in Bahia, in a confection in São Paulo. And do you know what our rulers do? Decrease the Laws that punish who enslaves !!!
Recently, the Minister of Labor, Ronaldo Nogueira, published an ordinance that limits the concept of slave labor to the presence of armed surveillance in haciendas, excluding debt bondage and the degrading conditions of the criteria for prosecutors to define contemporary slavery. The ordinance is suspended by the Supreme Federal Court. According to the suspended text, to be considered work analogous to slavery, it would be necessary that the worker could not have the right to come and go from the service, in addition to the armed security that coerces those people.
That is, what is terrible can get worse. Today is the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery and I choose not to be silent before so much injustice. Where are we going to stop? #SlaveryExists # Abolition
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