Eliminate by law the additives in the tobacco

Eliminate by law the additives in the tobacco

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Eliminate by law the additives in the tobacco

Addressed to: Mr President of Spain Mariano Rajoy and 4 more

Because they are additives that cause diseases related to snuff in Spain.

According to a report of Altadis, 289 additives are included in the tobacco, according to a note published by the newspaper El Pais in 2007.

"The French multinational company Altadis recognizes that 289 additives are used in its brands sold in the EU. 289 chemicals, many of them toxic, with a main goal: increase nicotine addiction and reduce the bothersome effects of tobacco. We must hook before the smoker. "

"All of these compounds, even at extremely low levels, can have effects that are added together and there are some toxic and carcinogenic. Acetaldehyde is mutagenic and toxic to the embryo and produce tumors in the respiratory tract, according to a study published in 2001. Other one way, but when burned lead to a carcinogen. Tar reflecting the pack is not a single substance, but the thousands of compounds that remain after burning cigarette, ranging from heavy metals such as arsenic highly carcinogenic elements such as snuff specific nitrosamines. The rest are toxic smoke. "

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