Do not take away $ 50 bills with the image of our Malvinas

Do not take away $ 50 bills with the image of our Malvinas

people signed. Let's get to 500!

Do not take away $ 50 bills with the image of our Malvinas

Addressed to: Honorable Chamber of Deputies and 2 more

Because it is the only thing left for us to keep the memory of our fight when we are no longer. The ex-combatants are dying of two or three per month, and almost all of us are sick, I had a stroke for post-traumatic stress, and it will hurt if they change it for the image of a condor.

It is painful for us, imagine the close relatives of the true heroes, those who gave everything, the most precious of their lives, see the new generations wear clothes with the British flag, because that offends and tramples the honor of the fallen in our Malvinas.

We need to see them and see them every day.


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Reasons for signing

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