Do not privatize the seafront of Uruguay - No to the constructions on the Coastal Protection Strip
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Addressed to: DINAMA Uruguay and 2 more
No to privatization or construction on the entire coastal defense belt.
In the beach of Cuchilla Alta, Canelones, Uruguay; the seafront (public space) is being privatized for profit, on the Coastal Protection Belt, a fact that is causing disagreement in society, due to the impact that this brings us.
The municipality has ceded an estate and the DINAMA (National Directorate of the Environment, Ministry of Housing Territorial Planning and Environment) has approved the construction of a two-story building, to put there a restaurant - bowling - pub.
This ravine is the support of dunes and clay ravines of Cuchilla Alta, icons of local identity. It is a very fragile area where water-continent interactions occur. The water of the Río de la Plata with influence of the Atlantic Ocean, the waters of Manantiales and the populated center.
On this seafront is being built, a cement platform is made, removing vegetation and any possibility of resilience to nature. Walls are erected that annihilate the existing visual basins, the back is turned to the town, blocking the view to all the neighbors who for many years live and have businesses there. This ravine is 9 meters above sea level, and was a place that the population used to rest, contemplate, bond, be in contact with nature from a high point, with privileged views.
This endeavor violates the right to landscape, which is what is sought to be claimed through this petition. The landscape understood as a social construct, support of biophysical and cultural interactions.
The irregularities observed are listed below:
Privatization of a public space.
Deforestation of all existing native species.
Platform of cement instead of dice for the pillars, on the ravines of clay, that already brought as a consequence disappearance of the banks of seed that in that place were the natural development of the ecosystems and the coastal resources .
Construction employees have been observed without safety measures.
Elimination of the visual watershed of the ravine.
Unfair competition with the other historical merchants of the beach, who are local residents and have never altered living systems.
The population was never consulted, nor has an environmental impact study or landscape impact been presented to us.
Unsustainability: damage to coastal resources.
The site is located a few meters from the Cuchilla Alta spring basin (waters of the Chuy aquifer), so this will impact on it, and on the Río de la Plata.
We propose that this construction be removed, that space be released, that it be returned to living beings: residents, visitors, vegetation, fauna and water.
That the private do an orderly construction, in balance with the environment, sustainable, that is not on the coastal strip and even less on the clay ravines, putting at risk the rambla environment, the quality of life of its inhabitants and putting in risk also to the inhabitants and their homes, since by nature the water erodes the ravines and when building on them and on the dunes (as the private one did for years nowadays) the dunes are fixed and the coastal strip is lost.
We consider that it is possible that there is a space for gastronomy and leisure but you can think about doing it in the Fishing Club built more than 60 years ago, which is a construction of extraordinary dimensions, underutilized today. Another option is to rent any available premises as do the rest of the merchants.
Options to live in peace and harmony there are many only a matter of talking to those who inhabit each place, and not to implement works on public spaces and less in the COASTAL PROTECTION STRAP by means few clear and without environmental impact studies.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.