Do not leave animals tied with chains for days and, above all, in cages
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Addressed to: President of the Government of Spain and 1 more
The caging takes them to a wilder state and to being tied to a state of solitude that we would not want for us "humans". The chaining of dogs is inhumane and dangerous.
Dogs are sociable animals by nature that need interaction with people and other animals to feel good. They were wild dogs, like wolves that live in herds that hunt, play and sleep together, so the animal chained alone in one place for hours, weeks, months or even years, will become a frustrated and unhappy animal. However docile and sweet he was before being chained, he will become neurotic, anxious and aggressive.
We must prohibit keeping animals in cages, more now that winter comes and many people leave them out in the open and end up dying.
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