Do not fine for feeding stray cats, this Law is very unfair
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Addressed to: Municipality of Sa Pobla Mallorca
In Mallorca, the town council of Sa Pobla has announced that it will fine with 3,000 euros to anyone who sees feeding a cat on the street. Very unfair the decision by the City Council of this town, because we all paid taxes and even the streets in Mallorca are cleaned.
According the neighbors of this town the City Council should focus more on how dirty the streets are that they never clean and the rats that are seen in many places of the town, instead of fining someone who only feed a hungry animal, and we all need to eat. Cats also have the right to eat.
We reject this unjust Law set by that Municipality of Sa Pobla, Mallorca. Please sign for the right to life of this kittens, they have enough problems just for living in the streets so that the few people who give them food are going to be fined.
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