Do not consider the peddler as a violator of public space

Do not consider the peddler as a violator of public space

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Do not consider the peddler as a violator of public space

Addressed to: Congress of the Republic of Colombia and 2 more

People who use public space to work do not violate it in any way because work is essential for the citizen.

The street vendor precisely roams the public space, does not affect it, does not denigrate it or corrupts it. On the contrary, it enriches it with its products that the citizen does not find in other places.

The right to work is first to keep the public space empty. In all the cities and towns of the planet there are street vendors, nowhere are they assaulted as they are in Colombia.

It is not fair the violent attitude with which the National Police intervenes to enforce Article 140 of the Police Code.

Apart from being evicted, they are seized or thrown into the street the goods that they were selling. There is no right, they are poor people, they are the people.

Sign to be taken into account as workers in the public space and not violators thereof.


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