Do not allow the purchase / sale of pets

Do not allow the purchase / sale of pets

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Do not allow the purchase / sale of pets

Addressed to: Government of Spain

We have demonstrated that we are not responsible and that we can not afford to buy pets with freedom.

In Spain there are more than 200 entities that take care of the animals that we abandon and do not have enough resources to take care of the problem totally.

Only in Madrid there are about 50 centers, The Integral Center of Animal Care of Madrid has 250 dogs abandoned and about 50 cats, Fenixcan opened in 2012 have achieved more than 1000 adoptions, La Fortuna, ASSOCIATION FOR THE WELFARE OF ANIMALS ALCAUDETE, Móstoles Adopta, Integral Municipal Center for Animal Protection of Alcalá de Henares, ANAA, ALBA, ...

We are number one in animal abandonment in Europe. Several studies estimated that almost 150,000 dogs, cats, rabbits and other animals considered 'pets' were abandoned by their families in Spain in 2013. This represents 400 per day.

Today we do not deserve the freedom to trade with living beings because we have not demonstrated the ability to do good things.

The only option to have a pet should be adoption, at least until we solve the problem we have created.


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Reasons for signing

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