Do not abandon animals, especially cats, because colonies have formed where these poor beings suffer diseases

Do not abandon animals, especially cats, because colonies have formed where these poor beings suffer diseases

people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Do not abandon animals, especially cats, because colonies have formed where these poor beings suffer diseases

Addressed to: Municipality of Alicante and 1 more

It is important not to abandon pets especially cats, because in this city have formed colonies of large numbers, presenting diseases for poor animals and abuse by the inhabitants of some neighborhoods where the colonies are, reaching to the extermination by hands criminals who supply them with poison.

I want to make a call to the inhabitants of Alicante to seek as a means of control to sterilize the animals that already exist, so that there are no future offspring. Between the citizens and the Town Hall we can solve this without the need to poison the animals.


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