Division of canine parks for large and small dogs and equality standards
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: Environment Secretary and 1 more
How many times have we decided to go for a walk with our dog and have we passed in the canine parks because we did not feel safe with aggressive dogs inside? Or simply because we do not trust the control exercised by their owners on them ... and in the end we have chosen to walk around areas that are not qualified for dogs.
I am not referring to the so-called potentially dangerous dogs, NO, I mean dogs that need a behavior modification because of their high degree of aggressiveness, stress and dominance towards other dogs, whatever their size.
Large dog owners fear that their dogs (however well educated they are) will harm others who are smaller by grunting or attacking them. Very common occurrence of most confrontation between dogs and owners in the park.
On the other hand the owners of small or medium dogs fear for the safety of these in front of the difference in size and strength in the jaw of larger dogs, which can cause the death of one.
Owners of large dogs are tired of their dogs being attacked by small dogs, which by their weight and character make everyone nervous.
We need to divide the dog park according to dog weight for greater safety and thus avoid serious injuries.
What is demanded is equality ... for both small and large dogs within the canine parks, outside of what is dictated by the new regulations that only PPPs (Potentially Dangerous Dogs) and dogs that exceed 20 kilos of weight must carry muzzle.
Not lords, dogs weighing less than 20 kilos also have teeth and also cause damage to other larger dogs even to people who do not like them and bite their legs.
When a balanced dog is attacked, it only has two options, to let itself be killed, to be bitten or to flee, or to defend itself (in the majority of the cases) taking this to a fight of equal to equal or of giants against dwarves in which without a doubt always You will lose the weakest or smallest.
For this reason we must avoid this kind of situations in which we see carefree Yorkshire owners (as an example) of their dogs while they bark and bite the legs of other owners with large dogs who see themselves and want them so that their Dog, who does not have to put up with that, put a bite on him or hurt considerably the annoyed and harassed green.
Also those people who know that their dogs can or usually attack by dominance to others, have them uncontrolled, without obeying and without looking at them even while they are loose. By frightening all users, causing them to leave a public space where everyone could enjoy.
Finally the dogs that are not castrated and try to mount everything, this being a safe conflict between males and females and owners.
We ask that those dogs that:
- Laugh at others relentlessly and continuously.
-To make the markings (pinch with the teeth) to other dogs or people.
"That they try to mount other dogs incessantly.
- Divide the park into two zones, large dogs and small dogs according to weight.
- In short that anyone who causes problems, is conflicted and has had more than one confrontation with dogs have to wear a muzzle. Regardless of race, sex, or size.
It is not enough to just put a sign, you have to make them comply with strict penalties so that we can enjoy all with respect and empathy of the canine recreation.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.