Demand a worthy repair and a prompt solution
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Addressed to: Gigante Municipality - Huila - H and 2 more
I want to report / denounce the current situation presented in the El Quimbo hydroelectric plant, in the Municipality of Gigante – Huila, Colombia, where around thirty (30) specimens of domestic felines (cats) live, reproducing in an alarming way living among them and personal, finding themselves in a vulnerable situation for all that this contact means. Although they always remain very fearful and forewarned, the search to satisfy their needs as food and shelter brings them closer and closer to us (part of the staff present at the plant), exposing each one of them and us to suffering. Some possible accident as it has already occurred on some occasions, since due to their curious and adventurous nature and due to their own needs to search for water and food, they have been the cause of accidents in one of the electrical substations and frequent food thefts, these blamed as if they were aware of it, when the responsibility for their well-being is our (human) problem and / or obligation.
At the end of the previous year (about 4 months ago) talking with an Emgesa official when he realized the situation, who informed me that they had requested help through a capture process before the CAM, which according to him was already in march, which allows me to doubt its effectiveness because before making this request I contacted them (CAM) and explained the situation that was denied for reasons of incompetence as it was domestic fauna. So far no capture process has been made effective, much less aid, since the only order for Emgesa's security policies is the prohibition of feeding them and being indifferent to the situation, that is, letting them die of hunger, and That only allows reproaching an act of carelessness, cruelty and barbarity; a great lack of human sense.
The most frustrating thing about all this is that a couple of years ago, after moment 0 (when this serious situation began), I had just started my work at the Quimbo plant where there were already three copies of them in existence (cats), of which only one of them was female; When an employee of Emgesa realized the situation at that time, she was feeding them, which was a great and very noble gesture of mercy and kindness, so I proposed to her that she speak with her superiors to manage a sterilization day, which cost of the veterinary medical expenses and per diem I would run by my own means, but this was immediately denied, ignored and little taken into account due to the fact that, due to security and control policies, manipulation and / or contact with fauna within the plant is prohibited that may cause accidents and also by prohibiting the entry of unauthorized personnel to it. Finally, he expressed that when commenting on the situation to one of his bosses, he denied it due to lack of heading, a situation that only portrays negligence and total indifference on the part of the administrative personnel in charge of the operations center (the Quimbo power plant) that generates hundreds or even up to billions of pesos a day!
I do not know if at any time they came to imagine or suppose the delicate situation that is occurring today, but now the problem is crude, serious and real, and that with their decisions and lack of support for my initially proposed request, they would solved and avoided all this when it had been much simpler and more practical to solve, now the most fair thing is that they take charge and responsible for their own problem.
Finally, I want to clarify that the intention and the reason for this complaint at no time is to harm Emgesa's interests (economic, labor, social and others), nor to compromise the work of the contractor company for which I work (because it does not have nothing to do with this, this is something very personal but also of some other people who fear to report for fear of reprisals by Emgesa against themselves or the companies for which they work), much less my person, the only thing that I hope that this serious situation is made known to whoever is responsible and has the authority to demand a solution, that this request is taken into account so that it has a prompt repair, it is time for these people to apply their reprimands that like them They both express and disseminate in their environmental policies, "Nature deserves respect, take care of it", "in this center there are not only the best professionals, but also the best people with an ethical sense or, and human, personal with integrity ", so I make this call to conscience and not to lose the values that make us call human beings.
- Place:
El Quimbo Hydroelectric Power Plant
- Location:
Rural area of the Municipality of Gigante, Huila - H
-Belonging company:
Enel Group - Emgesa Colombia
Head of the plant:
Julio Alfonso Santafé Ramos
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.