Create Laws to prohibit and punish traffickers, sellers and buyers of birds
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!
Addressed to: Government of the State of Aguascalientes and 1 more
There are millions of captive birds all over the world, suffering abuse, long days of solitude and confinement, wearing their short lives, in tiny cages that do not allow them to even move or spread their wings.
Many die because of illegal trafficking, others live as stockpiled in pet stores. These birds have the right to fly, to cross airs and to look for the happiness of life in their surroundings.
Illegal trafficking is a clandestine activity involving the extraction, mobilization, purchase, sale and unauthorized possession of wild species or derived products. Illicit trade can be found in markets, bazaars, pet stores, individuals, roads, Internet and print ads.
The animals that are victims of this crime often suffer from subhuman conditions in hunting ranches, falconry activities, shows, exhibitions, ornaments, collections and are even massacred to obtain their skins and plumage or produce exotic foods for supposed aphrodisiac, medicinal, or healing properties.
Millions of birds die every year only during capture and transportation. For each bird that is sold five die, that is why we must end this once and for all.
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