Create and maintain an ANIMAL WELFARE SHELTER
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: LESVOS ISLAND Municipalities and 3 more
As an island it should be an easy task to be able to control and contain certain problems - WHEN THIS IS WANTED ! You need to want something so much to be able to try and get it done, and succeed.
All those who have seen the situation on Lesvos (and in Greece) with the treatment of animals in general know that this is needed on the island. Its needed mostly for the stray dogs and cats as well as any other animals mistreated and need help.
So lets all campaign for the love of the island and for the much more loved animals so that the 2 can be the helped and made better.
Despite the MUNICIPALITIES duty to offer ALL YEAR ROUND sterilizations and neutering to all animals so that dumping is prevented and to try to make the STRAY situation disappear if not, at least minimalised.
Keeping the dogs healthy and active will help with their re homing – this is also a must – so that there is a flow of strays living in the shelter for short periods as there will be another 10dogs waiting for its place.
The treatment and love for strays with no possibilities of adoption or is also needed, so that the shelter is a good place to call home.
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