Create a public registry of sex offenders
people signed. Let's get to 1,000!

Addressed to: Chamber of Deputies and 1 more
Every day we find more cases of sexual assault, many followed by death, such as the cases of Lucia in Mar del Plata, Micaela in Gualeguay and many others before and after, and many that are not made public.
It is necessary to create a public registry of sexual offenders, and the State must be obliged to monitor them and after the release from jail and notify community members when a convicted person moves there and even advertise data and photos in the community. web and other graphic media.
With the case of Ángeles Rawson, a genetic registry of rapists was created, but that is not enough, because that only serves when the act is already completed.
We need to be able to take care of our daughters, our sisters, and take care of ourselves knowing who we have as a neighbor!
There is a history of this type of records, for example in the USA, with the case of the 7-year-old girl Megan Kanka, raped and murdered by her neighbor, who generated so much scandal that a law that bears the name of the girl created this record and people find out, that helps us to take better care of ourselves.
It does not seem valid to me here that they do not want to do it because they say that it stigmatizes, because in the end it is more important not to stigmatize a rapist, than that a girl, adolescent or woman is raped, murdered tortured!
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