Create a protected area for stray dogs and cats
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Addressed to: Government of Panama
I have several years dedicating myself with my own means to collect dogs left lying by supermarkets, bakeries, roads, garbage cans, among others.
I observed indifference daily, and the pitiful way many people throwing animals without thinking about what will become of these living beings, without shelter, food or to speak for help, or earn their livelihood.
I consider this phenomenon a citizen imbalance, and have tried to seek help. I even contributing to reiterate some of my posts. I failed to fin help from any politician, they are not interested. But my satisfaction is, at least I've tried and I'm right. Saving lives, species become extinct at such cruelty.
If as humans do not seek help smaller then missed most importantly, empathy, sensitivity to the pain of others just live with us.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.