Conversion of Decree-Law 31 on Animal Welfare into a Law of the Cuban Penal Code.
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!
Addressed to: Government and Parliament of the Republic of Cuba.
This action, demanded by a large part of Cuban civil society, is extremely urgent because the mentioned decree, while being a first step towards the protection of our animals, has proven to be totally ineffective in preventing abuse, abandonment, bestiality, zoosadism, burning of live animals, dismemberment, hanging, stabbing, and other atrocious tortures that we subject our defenseless animals to. Furthermore, it takes no action against the practice of pet kidnapping for ransom, a crime that is increasingly prevalent among us. The decree in question has also failed to prevent dog fights and all the associated social dangers. The decree does not include actions to educate the population and instill love and respect for nature, the environment, and animals in future generations.
Cuba needs a true animal protection law with imprisonment and significant fines to combat and harshly punish these crimes. But it also needs educational programs through mass media and schools. Respect for all living beings and for the essence of our planet is essential if Cubans truly want to be a civilized nation among the concert of nations. Several countries in Latin America already have strong legislation against animal abuse. Cuba must do the same. It is time.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.