Control of pets, with follow-ups to protect them, with obligations and fines
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: Government of the City of Buenos Aires and 1 more
With this petition I want to be able to implement the control of pets throughout the Argentine Republic, so that they can count on monitoring for their protection, with obligations and fines in cases of ill-treatment or abandonment. So that not everyone has a living being that can not defend themselves against punishment, mistreatment or abandonment.
We need to keep track of the animals that are given for adoption, so that the environment in which the animal will live can be verified, if it really will be taken care of, or the animal was adopted to care for a property and not to be one pet of a family that loves it.
Make it with order, regulations, and chips on pets to be able to track their owners in case they are lost or abandoned. And accompany it from the government body that deals with this issue with campaigns of conscience and civism, in short, education.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.