Control and save the feral cat litters

Control and save the feral cat litters

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Control and save the feral cat litters

Addressed to: City of Guadalajara

Several cases of abuse, assault and murder of stray cats have been reported in our area lately and, in many cases, involving puppies.

Yesterday I witnessed how two kittens lying lifeless together, with no apparent physical injuries or crushing and / or abuse. I suspect there have been more cases in the same area as they were a litter of cats and lately only see 4 in the area. Several neighborhoods in the city of Guadalajara have the same problem.

My concern comes in the wake of this case: A neighbor saw a group of 8-9 years old children throwing stones at a cat, which protected their young, to separate from them and kill them. They have one month at most. There were 3 puppies, I repeat, 8 and 9 years old children.

What I want to achieve with this petition, since through local police and justice nothing happens, is to control, sterilize and / or save these stray cats. plus other stray animals that can happen something like that. I'm talking about cats because they are the most common animals and which affects all this gratuitous violence.

We have several associations in the city that are dedicated to save, protect and foster all these animals. If in addition the City invest in sterilization campaigns, control and creation of shelters would be a success, as many associations today perform such actions altruistically, and cannot accommodate all layers unchecked.

We would eliminate the root problem giving a human solution without deaths and leaving the city free of stray animals that may suffer the consequences.

Thank you very much.


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