Control and condemn with jail sentences those who poison cats and hang the abandoned greyhounds

Control and condemn with jail sentences those who poison cats and hang the abandoned greyhounds

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Control and condemn with jail sentences those who poison cats and hang the abandoned greyhounds

Addressed to: Department of Health of the City of Murcia

Every pet has the right to life and to be respected, for this reason I request that in order to avoid such suffering, it is necessary to establish compulsory castration throughout the national territory. I have been asking for it for years and the authorities ignore my request and this barbarism.

Within the order that is made by the castration, it is also asked to harden the penalties for mistreatment to any person who leaves an animal, mistreats it in any way or kills it. We can not continue to allow our country to have medieval laws regarding the protection of animals.


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Reasons for signing

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