Construction of free veterinary hospitals

Construction of free veterinary hospitals

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Construction of free veterinary hospitals

Addressed to: Government of Alagoas and 1 more

We found in the street many animals abandoned and killed for lack of veterinary hospitals. We need to change that reality, and for that we must have free castration for those animals. Many animals are abandoned because of lack of resources of their tutors and many end up dying for diseases that can not be treated.

With this petition I ask the Governor of Alagoas to build free veterinary hospitals throughout the State to reduce the number of stray animals. If we can do something, even with a simple signature that takes a few seconds, to be able to help the animals, I do not understand why they do not support it.

Please, only a few seconds can change the lives of thousands of animals, sign the petition by Public Veterinary Hospitals throughout the State.

Thank you.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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