Construction of animal welfare center

Construction of animal welfare center

people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Construction of animal welfare center

Addressed to: Mayor's Office and Government of Barranquilla

There are too many cases of animal abuse that are lived daily in our city and there are many who, through our own efforts, try to help reduce overpopulation, looking for permanent homes and helping to support them.

It is the local authorities that must be in charge of offering an Animal Welfare Center in the city, offering them the conditions of a dignified and healthy life based on medical attention and evaluation, castration, sterilization, vaccination, maintenance and adoption. And subsequent adoption of the animal through monitored policies and processes.

Already its creation is imminent! Whenever an animal patrol is insufficient, the work of the foundations is insufficient. An Animal Welfare Center is needed to safeguard their lives !! A quality life as any sentient and voiceless living being deserves it!

For this reason we demand from the local authorities the construction of this Animal Welfare Center in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia, as soon as possible.


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Reasons for signing

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