Consider us for housing plans even if we don't have a family group
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: Government of Argentina
For more than 20 years, I have been a police employee. In every call for housing plans, I have applied, but I always receive the same answer: "If you don't have a family group, we cannot provide you with a home." So, I wonder: should I stop living?
I have always rented, but the prices are too high, and I cannot afford it with my salary. Additionally, I have suffered from a disease that prevents me from being a mother, and it has truncated many things in my life. I have suffered from depressive disorders and crying attacks that I still experience.
I have never asked for anything; all I request is to have my own house. I can pay a mortgage, eat what I have, and drink mate, but I need to have my own roof. I do not have a car because I have always dreamed of having my own house. Bureaucracy has not allowed me to get it. Should I chain myself to the Government House to get attention?
I no longer know who to turn to. I always receive the same answer: "If you are single, we cannot give you a home." Can someone help me?
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