Compensate all people for the damage to health and environmental damage

Compensate all people for the damage to health and environmental damage

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Compensate all people for the damage to health and environmental damage

Addressed to: Water Control Body Sunass and 1 more

Tumbes has two very critical problems:

1.- heavy metal wastes from the tailings of mining companies in Ecuador that reach the Tumbes and Zarumilla Rivers.

2.- the service provider company "Atusa" which gives a water quality not suitable for human consumption. What is it worth that there is General Law 28611 if nobody does anything? People are dying to consume that water. According to this Law, in one of its articles, the polluter must pay more, and in article 7.1 he talks about the responsibility for good health.

3.- the water company Atusa does not want to terminate the contract, it wants that we Tumbesinos indemnify it. Tumbes stinks, and all authorities and regulatory bodies such as the Sunass water watchdog and the Ombudsman's Office are aware of this problem. Judges and prosecutors do nothing. In the National Institute of Neoplastic Diseases there are many people and children with cancer, others already with bacteria because of this abusive company.

According to Article 314, it is the responsibility of officials such as Mayors, Judges, Prosecutors and the Ombudsman to control this company, but they have seriously lacked their duties and functions.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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